Hygienist Services in Catford

Why should I see a Dental Hygienist?

1) Prevention Of Gum Disease - Bleeding and painful gums, bad breath, and loose teeth are all signs of gym disease. Fortunately this can be treated, stopped and reversed if caught early. Your Hygienist does not only treat and prevent the disease, but give you control to prevent it at home with a personalised oral hygiene regime.

2 ) Preventing Bad Breath - Halitosis or Bad breath is usually caused by a problem in the mouth. Fear of bad breath is a common reason for seeking dental treatment. In some cases the odour is released by bacteria under the gum line, only a dental professional can help with this.

3) Brighter Teeth - External stains on your teeth cannot be removed by brushing alone. Many factors contribute to staining including our diets. Your hygienist has ways of removing these stains and could help to restore your teeth's natural whiteness.

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4) Prevent Other Diseases - Studies have shown that a poor mouth can lead to the development of several diseases including; heart disease, diabetes and respiratory problems.

5) Prevention Of Oral Cancer - A scan for Oral Cancer is undertaken every time you see a hygienist. Oral cancer is highly curable if detected early. Your hygienist will give advice on risk factors for cancer and how to reduce any such risks. These red flags are things such as smoking, alcohol and infection with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).

6) Bleeding Gums - Bleeding gums or blood when spitting after brushing is a sign of inflammation and could be an early sign of gum disease. Caught early, it is usually totally reversible. The Hygienist will show you how to prevent it from building up in the future.

7) Detection Of Dental Problems - It may have been a while since you saw a dentist and only wish to have your teeth cleaned. Since Direct Access to hygienists was brought in, this is absolutely fine. However, your hygienist is also able to pick up on problems such as decay, defective fillings or infections that you would have been otherwise unaware of. They will also be able to recommend a dentists should you need to see one. 

Hygienist/Tooth Cleaning Services Appointment at Smile Dental Practice, Bromley

8) Keeping Your Teeth - Gum disease is the number one cause for losing teeth. When teeth become loose in the later stages of gum disease, they can become painful or infected. This can leave no other option but to remove the tooth. It is the hygienist’s number one job to
prevent this happening. 

9) Cleaning Those Hard To Reach Spots - Some people have excellent oral hygiene. Whilst these people may not need to see a dental hygienist as often, it is still extremely important to see one, to keep their mouths in the health they have become used to. It doesn't matter how much and how well you brush and floss, or how much money you have just spent on the latest electric toothbrush, there will still be parts of your mouth that you just won’t be able to clean as effectively as a hygienist. A hygienist has instruments with just about every shape imaginable and the training to know exactly where the hidden tartar and plaque will be.


If you are looking for caring and attentive dental hygiene treatment in Catford, please call us now on 020 8314 5066.

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